Friday, June 25, 2010

Quiche - Not Always to have 'cheese' in ... why ???

What is 'Quiche' ??? Quiche is generally an open pie (means no pastry covering) with a arrangement of something else to finish ... All Quiche is breakfast dish -- but is predominantly a breakfast since it is acceptable to eat it for lunch or dinner !!! This is because Quiche is a baked dish with a custard (eggs and milk or cream) in a pastry crust.

Most people think that quiche was invented by the French ... Nah Nah ... it was actually originated in Germany (even it's now a classic dish of French cuisine) ... The word ‘quiche’ is from the German word of ‘Kuchen’ which means 'cake'. But how it became 'quiche' ?!?! This is because typical Alemannic changed unrounded the ü and shifted the palatal "ch" to "sh", resulting in "kische", which in standard French orthography became spelled "quiche" !!!

But you might also know the famous 'quiche Lorraine', right? Now see where this quiche Lorraine was originated ... In Lorraine (one of the region of France), of course !!! It was because the German had an influent on the cuisine of the Lorraine region -- the result became this rural dish cooked in a cast-iron pan then became an open pie with a filling consisting of an egg and and cream custard with smoked bacon. Now, this is important part to know that 'It was only later that CHEESE was added to' !!!

Like all recipes that have been passed down through generations, this 'quiche Lorraine' dish adapts itself over time. The addition of Gruyere Cheese makes a quiche au gruyère or a quiche vosgienne. The 'quiche alsacienne' is similar to the 'quiche Lorraine', though onions are added to the recipe ...

Now there are many varieties of quiche, from the original quiche Lorraine, to quiche with vegetables of all kinds, mushrooms, ham, seafood and even desert type quiche with fruit and custards ...

With any recipe, let your taste guide you ... so why don't you try The BakeHouse's Quiche ???

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