Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scone ; one of the British Tradition on Afternoon Tea

For afternoon tea, it seems to be that 'scone' is the single essential item for ... more than cakes, more than sandwiches or whatever ... Traditional English scones may include raisins or currants, but are often plain, relying on jam, preserves, lemon curd or honey for added flavor -- and perhaps with a touch of clotted cream ... This is known as cream tea or Devonshire tea.

With the Scottish origin, the scone is related to the ancient Welsh tradition of cooking small round yeast cakes on bakestones by using oats then shaped into a large round and scored into four or six wedges (triangles) and griddle-baked over an open fire. Nowadays, the ingredients, butter, milk, and the tiniest amount of sugar, are used for baking in fifteen minutes. Somewhere somehow, someone spared an idea to include sultanas (dried raisin) in the mix too.

Yes, the greatness charm of English (or British, I would say) scone in on its look of plain (no sugary decoration, no cream or exotically-perfummed topping or filling), in comparison with the overblown cupcake or the fancy macaron. Don't you think 'Scone' is the most precious thing than other fashionable baked goods ???

Another thing to know about 'scone eating manner' is to have the same manner in which one eats a dinner roll -- Simply break off a bite size only piece, place it on your plate and then apply, with your bread and butter knife, the jam in which clotted cream is always the last.

Hope you enjoy your next afternoon tea time and the magic of precious scone ... Don't forget that The BakeHouse can provide you freshly-baked scone for you to enjoy this brilliant tradition ...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Brownie is something between a cake and a cookie

I think everyone knows 'Brownie' right? ... But do you know its origin? The full name of 'Brownie' is 'Chocolate Brownie' -- but you might find some place provides you with cappuccino brownie or something else ... even the version with no chocolate which was called 'Blondie' ... I won't talk about those type of brownies just yet !!!

'Brownie' was introduced firstly in year 1893 in United States by Chef in Palmer House Hotel in Chicago with the intention to serve as desserts for ladies attending the fair as smaller than a piece of cake and easily eaten from the boxed lunches. Therefore, first brownies was featured with an apricot glaze and walnuts. This original recipe is still made in this hotel till now !!! Later years, a brownie like those today was appeared in cook book which the recipe was modified / added in to create richer and fudgier brownie.

Talking about 'Brownie', it is a flat baked square or bar product with a type of dense, rich chocolate cake -- like a cross between a cake and a cookie. You can find 'Brownie' in various form either fudgy or cakey -- depending on their density ... they may include nuts, frosting, whipped cream, chocolate chips, or other ingredients. Brownies are typically eaten by hand, and often accompanies by milk or coffee. They are sometimes served warm with ice-cream or topped with whipped cream ...

Try The BakeHouse 'Fudgy Brownie Cake', you will experience the most fudgy brownie with the most richest & heaviest chocolate level which you have never seen before ... Call HoHo at The BakeHouse : 089-016-0003 ... please specify whether you like brownie with nuts or no nuts ...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Quiche - Not Always to have 'cheese' in ... why ???

What is 'Quiche' ??? Quiche is generally an open pie (means no pastry covering) with a arrangement of something else to finish ... All Quiche is breakfast dish -- but is predominantly a breakfast since it is acceptable to eat it for lunch or dinner !!! This is because Quiche is a baked dish with a custard (eggs and milk or cream) in a pastry crust.

Most people think that quiche was invented by the French ... Nah Nah ... it was actually originated in Germany (even it's now a classic dish of French cuisine) ... The word ‘quiche’ is from the German word of ‘Kuchen’ which means 'cake'. But how it became 'quiche' ?!?! This is because typical Alemannic changed unrounded the ü and shifted the palatal "ch" to "sh", resulting in "kische", which in standard French orthography became spelled "quiche" !!!

But you might also know the famous 'quiche Lorraine', right? Now see where this quiche Lorraine was originated ... In Lorraine (one of the region of France), of course !!! It was because the German had an influent on the cuisine of the Lorraine region -- the result became this rural dish cooked in a cast-iron pan then became an open pie with a filling consisting of an egg and and cream custard with smoked bacon. Now, this is important part to know that 'It was only later that CHEESE was added to' !!!

Like all recipes that have been passed down through generations, this 'quiche Lorraine' dish adapts itself over time. The addition of Gruyere Cheese makes a quiche au gruyère or a quiche vosgienne. The 'quiche alsacienne' is similar to the 'quiche Lorraine', though onions are added to the recipe ...

Now there are many varieties of quiche, from the original quiche Lorraine, to quiche with vegetables of all kinds, mushrooms, ham, seafood and even desert type quiche with fruit and custards ...

With any recipe, let your taste guide you ... so why don't you try The BakeHouse's Quiche ???

Saturday, June 12, 2010

An Old Style Cake or Old-Fashioned Cake

Cakes are broadly divided into several categories, based primarily on ingredients and cooking techniques -- from pound cake, sponge cake, cheese cake, fruit cake and so on. But one thing that all cake has in similar are what it contains. Yes, cakes normally contain a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, butter (or oil), some liquid (either milk or water), and leavening agents (either yeast or baking powder). It can be flavoured with fruit purées, nuts or other extracts as required.

The first cake was discovered in the early ages shortly after the discover of flour. At that time, it does not resemble as fancy varieties as we enjoy today -- they were more like breads !!! Even in the Medieval England, the words 'bread' and 'cake' were often used interchangeably. Until year 1650, that cakes similar to today's first appeared with round cake molds or even pans with a thick layers of sugar icing for decoration. However, in 1850, baking powder and refined flours were used which leaded to a rich, light-as-a-feather texture and good taste.

We, at The BakeHouse, believe in the old-fashioned recipes especially they were written by our previous generation. In the recipe, it also stated clearly about a use of good quality and fresh ingredients especially baking soda or baking powder. Measurement must be very accurately and follow the directions exactly even a sift of flour since shifting is important especially with cake flour. The most important thing is the cake flour that need to put in the sun to get rid of all moistness. At The BakeHouse, we still continue baking in this old traditional way and serving everyone well.

We are now started with the my favourite cake among all (Old Style Coffee Cake). It is full with loaded of my also favourite cake frosting that Grandma often used to make her cake special for everyone in the house.

It's more than a delicious taste, but it make us dream like when we were a child !!! I bet it's not only you but your parents or grandparents would dream about this ... no cream, no cheese, no queasy feeling ... but full with real ingredients and memories !!! Old Style Coffee Cake at The BakeHouse is available in both 3 pound size and individual size. Especially the individual size, we have designed to fit a uniquely Thai essence (which could be fit in coming Mother Day).

Please see The BakeHouse Catalogue for more detail. With this Grandma's cake recipes, it will help turn you into a centerpiece of any occasion you want !!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mamon - a very popular Filipino sponge cake

What is 'Mamon' ??? Mamon is a very popular Filipino sponge cake - a kind of common for all Filipinos.

How does 'Mamon' look like ??? Mamon is a plain sponge cake (or chiffon-type cake) with individually wrapped or be individually put in cupcake shape. It is normally baked in fluted molds.

The texture of mamon is exceptionally soft, light - fluffy, and airy ... full with sweet & butter taste. The technique of making mamon is to separate the egg yolks and egg whites well and mix them separately.

Although mamon can be enjoyed without any toppings but you can find 'special mamon' too ... it has butter and sugar topping or even grated cheese on !!!

Another must try item from 'The BakeHouse' ... Check out for detail at : Mamon Cheese

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Introducing HoHo and The BakeHouse

I would like to introduce myself first ... My name is 'HoHo' which came from 'Ho Ho' or 'Ho Sik' in Hong Kong Cantonese Language -- means 'Yummy' or 'very delicious' !!!

So who am I anyway??? I am one of the bakers in this world who produce yummy bake products starting from cookies, tarts, pies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, quiche, puddings, and more to be named for the sweet desserts or snack ... but for delivery only !!!

My work space is located at the top floor of my house -- I try to tell you that this 'BakeHouse' is a real home-made thing!!! Anyway, there are lots of pins, molds, measurement cups, and all utensils to be named for baking all over this space. But my most important things are Mr. Oven and Miss Kitchen Aid !!!

If you are interested in ordering any of my bake products - just call me at 089-016-0003 ... I am located in Bangkok, Thailand so please allow me to deliver only in Bangkok Area (sorry) ...